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Nej det där är steeda och ska vara blått http://grufmanbil.se/produkt/8844/?in=364 eller så kan man byta filter så det blir fint igen http://grufmanbil.se/produkt/8839/
Köpte camberbultar istället för att slipa upp hålen
Special Tool(s) / General Equipment Wheel Alignment System Adjustment NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts that affect the performance of vital components and systems. Failure of these fasteners may result in major service expense. Use the same or equivalent parts if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Tighten fasteners as specified. Using alignment equipment and the manufacturer's instructions, measure the front camber. Use the General Equipment: Wheel Alignment System Remove the wheels and tires. Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, General Procedures). On both sides. Unclip and position aside the wheel speed sensor harness. On both sides. Remove and discard the strut-to-spindle bolts and nuts. NOTE: Support the wheel spindle using mechanic's wire. Note the orientation of the strut-to-spindle bolts and flag nuts, then remove and discard the bolts and flag nuts. Using a suitable grinding tool, enlarge the strut-to-wheel spindle upper mounting hole as indicated. Remove any burrs. Clean and paint any exposed metal. NOTE: Do not fully tighten the strut-to-spindle bolts and nuts until the alignment has been corrected. NOTE: Original equipment bolts are splined, service bolts are smooth and smaller in diameter. On both sides. Position the wheel spindle and install the 2 new service strut-to-spindle bolts and nuts and tighten until snug. On both sides. Position the wheel speed sensor harness. Install the wheels and tires. Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04A Wheels and Tires, General Procedures). Using alignment equipment and the manufacturer's instructions, measure the front camber. Use the General Equipment: Wheel Alignment System On both sides. Tighten the strut-to-spindle bolts and nuts. Torque: 184 lb.ft (250 Nm) Recheck alignment to verify camber change and adjust front toe if necessary. Refer to: Front Toe Adjustment (204-00 Suspension System - General Information, General Procedures). Special Tool(s) / General Equipment Wheel Alignment System Adjustment NOTE: Make sure that the vehicle is standing on a level surface. Steering wheel in straight ahead position. Using alignment equipment and the manufacturer's instructions, check the front toe setting on both sides. Use the General Equipment: Wheel Alignment System On both sides. Loosen the outer tie rod end jamb nut. Torque: 76 lb.ft (103 Nm) On both sides. Position aside the steering gear boot clamp. NOTE: Do not allow the steering gear bellows to twist when the inner tie rod is rotated. On both sides. Rotate the inner tie rods until the toe reading is within specifications. Recheck the toe settings and adjust as necessary. Special Tool(s) / General Equipment Wheel Alignment System Adjustment NOTICE: Suspension fasteners are critical parts that affect the performance of vital components and systems. Failure of these fasteners may result in major service expense. Use the same or equivalent parts if replacement is necessary. Do not use a replacement part of lesser quality or substitute design. Tighten fasteners as specified. Using alignment equipment and the manufacturer's instructions, measure the rear camber. Use the General Equipment: Wheel Alignment System Loosen the upper control arm inboard nut approximately 2 turns, and slide the upper control arm inboard or outboard to adjust the rear camber. Torque: 85 lb.ft (115 Nm) Recheck alignment to verify camber change and adjust rear toe if necessary. Refer to: Rear Toe Adjustment (204-00 Suspension System - General Information, General Procedures). Special Tool(s) / General Equipment Wheel Alignment System Adjustment Using a holding device, hold the steering wheel in the straight-ahead position. Using alignment equipment and the manufacturer's instructions, check the rear toe setting on both sides. Use the General Equipment: Wheel Alignment System NOTE: Make sure that the toe settings are not disturbed while tightening the nuts. Loosen the toe link nut approximately one full turn. Torque: 129 lb.ft (175 Nm) Rotate the toe link bolt to achieve the specified toe setting. Recheck the rear toe settings and adjust as necessary.
går ju inte att brodera genom plasten som mattorna har jag rekommenderar dessa https://www.lloydmatsstore.com/
Ford har dragit in svångremmen så någon snygg logga får inte användas på eftermarknadsmattor. Du får designa dina egna med namn osv på LLoyds i USA, fast inget som anknyter till Mussen dock
inget fel på bilen du får göra så här
Bästa sättet är att återställa bilen till original se att allt funkar, och sedan koppla om allt korrekt
Mmmm råkade ut för det på Power Meet en gång i burnout fållan, pinsamt, var för bra fäste för att den skulle orka dra loss Testade på en vanlig väg sen å då gick det
Olja och filter är ju det som minst skall göra Sedan får man ju göra en okulär besiktning av filtrena, ingen ide att byta filter som inte behövs bytas Sen får man ju kolla beskaffenheten på övriga vätskor, som bromsvätska, glykol osv
snygg färg kombo
Klart man bokade så snart det gick
Det där måste mätas upp då det är något fel i Sverige konverteringen
Min kom också igår
vilken tillverkare var det på din vinge köpte trufiber och den krävde mycket övertalning för att ta plats på luckan då den var vriden
Hur får man loss xenonlampa Mustang 2013
Corvette replied to Peter Salomonsson's topic in Mustang 2005-2014
High Intensity Discharge (HID) bulb Remove the HID bulb access cover. NOTE: The HID bulb is retained by spring tension on all 4 sides of the bulb base. Remove the headlamp bulb by pulling it straight back. Disconnect the electrical connector. All bulb types To install, reverse the removal procedure. For vehicles equipped with HID headlamps, make sure the bulb cover is fully seated -
Tankar alltid 98 eller högre Högre oktan mer kraft
CMC Uppsala upptaktsträff 2018
Corvette commented on Micke Wendel's gallery image in Östra Mälardalen
GUUUUU va avis jag är på dig
krävs modifiering för att passa på V6
cj har vårkampanj just nu så bara passa på
Bakaxel utväxling från 3.55 till 3.73 på S550 GT serien manuell vxl
Corvette replied to Evald's topic in Mustang 2015+
då kommer din hastighetsmätare visa fel bl.a. -
Bakaxel utväxling från 3.55 till 3.73 på S550 GT serien manuell vxl
Corvette replied to Evald's topic in Mustang 2015+
JA du måste ha en en dosa och ändra bakaxelutväxlingen