Från To LOWER the rear corners, open the hood, slightly loosen the hinge bolts (but leave the hinges snug to the aprons, so you have to make an effort to move the hinges), and push UP on the front edge of the hood just like you are opening it further than the hinges would normally allow. Sounds counter-intuitive, but this is how the linkage works. I used a piece of tape on the aprons next to the hinges, made a mark on the hinge and tape in the initial positions, and then adjusted as described. You can use the marks to judge how much improvement you made vs. the original position. Snug the bolts, check the gap, and adjust again as necessary. Go a little at a time - and close the hood slowly to make sure the edges don't contact the fenders or cowl (this adjustment also pulls the hood slightly back towards the windshield). Good luck. John